Fresh fruits and vegetables growing
in your own personal garden sound like heaven isn't it. Contrary to the conventional
way of growing plants with the help of seeds, there are various plants of
fruits and vegetables that can be re-grown without the help of any seed.
Re-growing spring onions is very straightforward. Go and
grab the last spring onions you bought from the market and take off their
roots. Now take a jar of water and put the roots in that jar. Within just a few
day the spring onions will begin to grow. Amazing isn't it. Don’t forget to
change the water in the jar with fresh whenever the need arises.
The same spring onion technique can be used with Leeks,
Scallions and Fennel simply place their roots in a jar full of water and they
will began to re-grow within a few day.
Lemongrass can be re-grown the same way spring onions. Leeks
should be grown. Just place the roots in a jar of water and let the waiting
began, refresh the water whenever needed. When the Lemongrass is about 12
inches tall in size it can be harvested.
Ginger which is regarded as one of the world’s healthiest
food has many health benefits. Modern scientific research has revealed that
ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects,
an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct
anti-inflammatory effects.
Did you know, the Queen of England once banned the trade and
consumption of potatoes and that ban remained for over a hundred years
Go to your kitchen or wherever you've stored potatoes, pick
out the one that has good formed eyes which will become roots if planted. Now
cut that potato in 3 pieces, you must take care that each piece has at least 1-2
eyes on it. Keep those cut pieces of
potato for two days at room temperature, doing this will allow the roots to dry
Now take a big pot of soil, turn over the compost into your
soil before you plant because potatoes thrive on a high-nutrient atmosphere. Plant your potato
pieces about 8 inches deep with the eye facing up. Cover it with 4 inches
of soil, leaving the other 4 inches empty. Whenever you see the plant growing
and the roots can be seen add more soil.
Regarding sweet potatoes you will need sweet potatoes with good formed eyes, just as you would want with a regular potato. You can bury the entire sweet potato or use pieces under a thin layer of topsoil in a moist place with plenty of sun. When the shoots begin to reach a height of four inches you will need to replant the sweet potatoes, allowing them about 12 inches between each another. It takes about 4-6 months to grow sweet potatoes this way.
Lettuce is grown by putting the roots of the plant in a dish
of water. First of all cut the leaves of lettuce plant to about an inch above
the roots of the plant. Now put the plant in a dish of water in a way that the
roots are submerged in the water but one inch of leaves is not touching the
water. Now place this dish in front of a window with direct sunlight. Remember
to spray water on the plant to keep it moist.
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