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Mike Adams | Natural News
Today the mainstream media is gleefully reporting findings they mistakenly believe show all multivitamins to be worthless at preventing disease. "Case Closed: Multivitamins Should Not Be Used," declares Forbes. "New studies dispel multivitamin myths," reports NBC News. And CBS News shouts, "case is closed" after studies find no health benefits."
The problem with all these headlines is they're based on an editorial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a pro-pharma publication almost entirely funded by pharmaceuticals which compete with multivitamins. When I visited the study publication page on Annals.org, I was immediately greeted with a pop-up advertisement trying to hawk a pharmaceutical drug.
It's almost as if the pharma-funded publication is saying, "Here, while we trash the reputation of vitamins, why don't you buy some drugs from our sponsors?"
Why pharmaceuticals are never subjected to the same scrutiny as multivitamins
What the media doesn't report, of course, is that if pharmaceuticals were subjected to the same basic questions covered in this study -- do multivitamins enhance cognitive function? Do they prevent heart disease? -- pharmaceuticals would prove to be disastrous. They not only don't work; they also might kill you in the process of not working.
So why isn't the media reporting that the "case is closed" on how drugs and medications fail to prevent chronic degenerative disease?
The answer is because this scrutiny is reserved solely for nutritional supplements. In today's distorted system of quack medicine, junk science and pro-pharma propaganda, medications never have to be proven effective to be promoted and hyped. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever, for example, that chemotherapy prevents the progression of cancer (chemo actually causes more cancer), or that statin drugs enhance lifespan. There is no evidence whatsoever that ADHD drugs create healthy children or that antidepressants cure depression. Yet all these drugs are heavily hyped by medical journal (i.e. "drug journals") and the mainstream media without regard for their disastrous lack of efficacy and safety.
So there's a dangerous double standard in all this. Nobody asks whether drugs actually create health, but multivitamins are routinely subjected to intense scrutiny on this very question.
Studies were contrived through the use of synthetic vitamins
To make sure these multivitamin studies fail to produce positive results, these studies are universally structured so that they are based on cheap, low-grade, synthetic vitamins and inorganic minerals. Not coincidentally, these brands of low-grade multivitamins are actually manufactured by companies owned by pharmaceutical interests. They really do have a financial incentive to make multivitamins look bad, and so their multivitamin formulations are intentionally designed to fail.
The vitamin E studied in this science review, for example, was synthetic, isolated vitamin E which already has a long history of being toxic for human consumption. Note carefully that these researchers never looked at full-spectrum vitamin E, including the tocopherols, nor did they bother to study a food concentrate form of vitamin E (because it would have been amazingly beneficial to heart health).
If I wanted to make all cars look dangerous, I could buy a dozen old Ford Pinto cars, line them up bumper to bumper, fill them with gasoline and ram them together in a mock road accident that caused them all to explode. From that, I could declare, "All cars are unsafe!" even though I only tested the Pinto. That's the same as what's happening with these multivitamin studies. They intentionally choose the most toxic forms of synthetic nutrients, then they use the negative results to declare that all multivitamins are dangerous.
Beta carotene, too, was studied as a synthetic chemical in isolation, not as a food-sourced nutrient like you might find in carrots or squash. So what these studies really prove is only that synthetic chemical vitamins are toxic to human health.
Guess who makes all these synthetic chemical vitamins? Companies like Bayer and BASF, the same companies that also manufacture raw materials for pharmaceutical manufacturing.
How the media uses "nutritional misdirection" to trick the public into thinking nutrition is bad
The mainstream media, of course, is all too happy to use journalist tricks of misdirection and false implication to misinform the public about nutrition. In claiming that "multivitamins are worthless," they are utterly failing to differentiate between cheap, pharma-manufactured synthetic multivitamins versus high-quality food-based multivitamins that really do work to enhance human health and prevent disease.
You won't find these scientists testing high-quality supplements from Life Extension, for example. Those supplements would produce positive results, and that's not what the pro-pharma scientists running these contrived studies want to show.
You also won't find them studying superfood powders, whole food concentrates or food-based supplements like the ones produced by MegaFood. Those supplements contain food-based nutrients and organic minerals -- the kind of nutrients the human body expects to see in food intake. Those supplements produce phenomenal results for enhanced human health. Researchers who publish in pharma-funded science journals will never study high-end multivitamins and nutritional supplements for the simple reason that the results would be too positive!
Synthetic drugs are even more harmful to human health than synthetic vitamins
The bigger question in all this, however, is just how harmful synthetic drugs are to human health. If synthetic vitamins produce negative health outcomes, then synthetic drugs produce truly disastrous results. Many drugs can simply kill you outright.
Synthetic drugs -- including PPIs, blood pressure medications, diabetes drugs, statin drugs, Alzheimer's drugs, osteoporosis drugs and so on -- are specifically designed to interfere with human physiology. Their entire intent is to "block" some chemical process in the body and thereby attempt to control symptoms of disease (without actually addressing the root cause of disease).
High-quality supplements and superfoods, on the other hand, are designed to prevent the causes of disease before they ever become symptomatic. They treat the root causes, in other words, rather than the mere symptoms.
This is why high-end food-based supplements, superfoods, medicinal herbs and other food concentrates are so effective at preventing disease. Conversely, this is also why isolated chemical drugs are so terrible at the same thing. No drug actually reverses any disease. They merely mask symptoms while allowing the underlying causes of disease to worsen. This is easily demonstrated: if a person taking blood pressure medications stops taking those medications, their blood pressure suddenly rises. The medication never addressed the cause of high blood pressure; it merely artificially interfered with physiology in a way that created a contrived, temporary lowering of measurable blood pressure.
These drug-pushing scientists and science journals want you to take pharmaceuticals, not nutrition
Let's get down to the real motivation in all this, however. The Annals of Internal Medicine and the scientists behind this extremely deceptive junk science all share the same intention: they want you to trust in drugs, not multivitamins.
Their job is to discredit multivitamins while simultaneously brainwashing consumers into believing that drugs are somehow "vital nutrients" that they need to survive. That's the foundation of modern medicine, after all: you are an incomplete human being unless and until you undergo medical intervention with a vaccine, a psychiatric drug, a cancer treatment or some other chemical that thereby makes you "whole."
Modern reductionist medical science wants to push drugs as the new multivitamins, but to do that, they first have to discredit multivitamins. Once multivitamins have been destroyed, they can convince the public (with yet more quack science) that everybody needs a statin pill every day. Everyone needs to drink toxic fluoride to have healthy teeth. Everyone needs to be injected with mercury, aluminum and MSG in order to be immune to the flu.
That's the real con in all this: The attack on multivitamins sets the stage for the unveiling of a new wave of "daily drug vitamins" the industry will push on everyone: adults, children, senior citizens and even unborn babies.
The population, you see, is never sufficiently medicated (from the point of view of Big Pharma). Drug companies must find new ways to convince people they need more drugs even when they aren't sick! The way to accomplish this is to position medications as essential nutrients. That's what you are seeing unfold right now.
Remember, too, that these scientists also insist that food can't prevent disease. All food is worthless for medical purposes, they insist. Only patented pharmaceuticals can treat, cure or prevent any disease, they ridiculously claim.
That's their worldview: Nutrition is bad, organic food is bad and herbs are bad. What's good? Vaccines, GMOs, medications and chemotherapy. To these science quacks, everyone in America should stop consuming good nutrition and start popping more medications and lining up for vaccine injections. That's the pathway to good health, didn't you know?
Take the Health Ranger's advice
Want some real advice on all this? Here's my take:
• Avoid cheap, synthetic multivitamins and supplements. Don't swallow pills made by pharma companies. Avoid cheap minerals like calcium carbonate or magnesium oxide.
• EAT REAL FOOD. Whole food. Organic, non-GMO food. Your No. 1 best source of nutrition should always be food. Grow your own sprouts or garden and eat those foods. Buy foods from CSAs or local farmers' markets. Eating real food should always be your foundation for nutritional health.
• If you want to take supplements, invest in high-end, quality supplements based on food concentrates or food extracts. Nutrients derived from real food tend to be far healthier than synthetic nutrients.
• Consume superfoods daily for full-spectrum high-density nutrition. Each morning, I drink a blend of superfood powders with avocado, coconut water and hemp protein.
• Don't believe anything the mainstream media reports about nutrition. Mainstream media reporters are, by and large, outrageously ignorant about nutrition, isolated nutrients, whole foods, the games Big Pharma plays, the corruption of the science journals and so on. If you want to listen to someone who really knows nutrition, you need to find people who specialize in it (and who haven't sold out to the failed medical institutions of modern society).
Source: naturalnews.com
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