An Apple a day keeps the doctor is what we hear since childhood but do we know the actual meaning of this one sentence. This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged – to name but a few, experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician.
Apple consumption has been the subject of quite a few studies on colorectal cancer risk reduction. Other cancers that apple constituents have been studied to kill in pre-clinical research include:
Liver Cancer:
apple juice, apple pectin and apple peel has been experimentally confirmed to kill liver cancer,
Breast Cancer:
apples have been found to both prevent and to suppress mammary cancers in the animal model.
Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer: carotenoids extracted from apple have been found to inhibit drug resistant cancer cell line proliferation
Esophageal Cancer:
An apple-derived procyanidin has been found to suppress esophageal cancer.
Stomach Cancer:
One of the ways in which apple constituents prevent stomach cancer is through their inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one of the main infectious agents linked to both ulcer and gastric cancer. But apple procyanidin has also been studied for its ability to directly induce programmed cell death within stomach cancer cells.
Nuclear Fallout:
Another proven way in which apples reduce the risk of cancer is through their ability to remove carcinogenic radioisotopes that have accumulated in our bodies as a result of the fallout from nuclear weapons, depleted uranium munitions, and nuclear energy and disaster-associated pollution, e.g. Chernobyl and Fukushima.
We could, therefore, modernize our apple aphorism by saying “an apple a day keeps the nuclear fallout away.”
Apple, in combination with chamomile, shortens the course of unspecific diarrhea in children.
Hair Loss:
Remarkably, a procyanidin, labeled B-2, from apples promotes hair growth, in the cell model.
Staphylococcal Infections: Apple pectin has been shown to inhibit synthesis of types A and B staphylococcal enterotoxins, which can cause profound bodily damage.
Influenza Infection:
Over 60 years ago researchers found that the complex carbohydrates that make up apple pectin inhibit the infectivity of influenza A virus in chicken blood, as well in embryonated eggs, indicating its potential anti-influenza properties.
Apple Pies are too delicious.
Source: GreenMedInfo.com
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